
Here's How a Majority of 'Palestinians' Feel About a 'Two-State Solution'

More than 60 percent of those living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank oppose the "two-state solution" consistently pushed by the Biden administration, congressional Democrats, and leftist activists. Instead, a majority of "Palestinians" continue to support Hamas and approve of the Iran-backed terrorists' October 7 massacre. 

That is — removing for a moment the absurd prospect of a second state existing alongside Israel hell-bent on the Jewish State's destruction — the people for whom Democrats and leftists weep would rather see Israel destroyed than have a formal state for themselves. 

These are just a few of the sobering findings in a new poll from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research located in Ramallah that, among other revelations, explain why "civilians" in Gaza were housing the four Israeli hostages rescued from Nuseirat earlier in June. The poll includes residents of the West Bank where Fatah — not Hamas — is in control. Palestinian Authority President (and Fatah leader) Mahmoud Abbas has just 10 percent support. 

The survey taken between May 26 and June 1 found that 75 percent are satisfied with Hamas actions since October 7. Notably, the approval of Hamas continues even though the terrorists have pledged to carry out similar attacks again and again. 

The survey of Gaza and West Bank residents found that just nine percent believe Hamas has committed war crimes since it launched its assault on October 7 and 82 percent think the massacre was worth it because it "revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" and "could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood."

That "statehood," however, is not the two-state solution advocated for by elite Democrats and leftist academics. Sixty-five percent of those living in Gaza and the West Bank oppose such a two-state option and 63 percent support armed intifada — the massacre of Jews and elimination of Israel — instead. 

What's more, 67 percent say that Hamas was "correct" to launch its October 7 massacre that killed the most Jews in any single day since the Holocaust.

Richard Goldberg, senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies noted in a recent FDD Flash Brief that "Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza are deeply radicalized to hate Israel and Jews" and emphasized that "[d]eradicalization of Palestinian society — in the government, schools, mosques, and media — needs to go to the top of 'day after' policy discussions."

David May, the research manager and senior research analyst at FDD, added that "the international community is rewarding Hamas for massacring Jews" by "intensifying hostility towards Israel and increasingly recognizing a Palestinian state that has yet to develop."

The message being sent by such incoherent advocacy for an imagined state, according to May: "violence works."