
Bidens Would Face Lawsuits Over These Incidents 'If This Were Any Other Family'

Earlier this year, CNN obtained data from the U.S. Secret Service showing President Biden's dog, Commander, attacked agents at least 24 times—and that figure did not include episodes with executive residence and White House staff members. One biting incident left an agent with a “severe deep open wound,” “significant” blood loss, and required several stitches. A recent report from Judicial Watch sheds even more light on some of Commander’s biting episodes, revealing alarming new details. 

Records received through a Freedom of Information Act from the Secret Service and Homeland Security show President Biden was handling the canine at the time of some of the incidents. 

Here’s how one episode was described between Secret Service officials in a Sept. 12, 2023, email. 

POTUS took Commander (on a leash) to the Kennedy Garden this evening for a walk. While POTUS and Commander were in the Kennedy Garden I was standing half way from the Book-Sellers and the Family Theater. POTUS opened the Book-Seller door and said [redacted]. As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no. POTUS also yelled [redacted] to Commander. POTUS then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him. When turning to close the door, Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. POTUS again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has 3 holes,1 being all the way through. No skin was broken.  (Judicial Watch)

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said the documents make it clear that the president is “personally responsible” for the dog attacks.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley reacted to the new report, noting that if this had happened with any other family, there would certainly be lawsuits filed against them. 

“If these attacks were litigated, I have little doubt that the Bidens would be held liable if they were an average family,” he wrote in February. “Indeed, I would expect a court to seriously consider an order barring the possession of dogs in the future or requiring training classes not only for the dogs but for the Bidens.”