
Another California City Became a 'Sanctuary' for Trans People

Earlier this year, the city council in Sacramento, California voted to make it a sanctuary city for people who think they are “transgender,” which Townhall covered.

The resolution passed by the council ensured that no city resources would be used to detain people who think they’re transgender from receiving experimental so-called “gender-affirming” care. This kind of care is outlawed for children in many states. 

“California has been a leader in protecting the rights of transgender individuals to access care, but many states across the nation are moving in the opposite direction,” Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, who proposed the resolution, said in her request. “In preparation of future legislation that may criminalize those providing or seeking gender-affirming care and given the Council’s stated values of equity and inclusion, it is important for the City of Sacramento to be proactive in reiterating our commitment to transgender rights and equal protections for transgender people.”

Now, another California city appears to have followed suit. 

San Francisco is now a “sanctuary city” for transgender and “gender non-conforming people,” according to NBC.

Reportedly, the board of supervisors unanimously voted on the resolution (via NBC):

The declaration is mostly symbolic but will help leaders provide safety for members of the trans community and those providing gender affirming care to them.

It comes as some conservative states are limiting transgender rights.

“We just want to send out a little beacon in this Pride Month to folks in those places that there are people here that care about you, who see you and will support you if you make your way here,” Mandelman said.

San Francisco is the third California city to make this declaration behind West Hollywood and Sacramento.

In April, Maine Democrats passed a bill that would protect doctors who provide abortions and so-called “gender-affirming” care to minors from facing lawsuits. 

Predictably, left-wing organizations like Planned Parenthood support the measure. 

“Full spectrum reproductive health care and gender-affirming health care are essential, lifesaving services that are safe and legal in Maine. With LD 227, our elected leaders have an opportunity to stand up for safe, legal medical care by protecting providers who offer that care and the patients who seek it,” Lisa Margulies, the vice president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood Maine Action fund said in a statement

“Since Dobbs, we have seen escalating attacks on abortion care and essential medical care for transgender people by extremists who are desperate to interfere with our personal medical decisions, with many state legislatures banning this basic, essential care. Maine is not immune to the disingenuous and harmful rhetoric spread by extremists opposed to people accessing safe, legal medical care, and it is critical that our lawmakers listen to the facts and act to protect providers, patients, and people who help patients access this care,” Margulies added.