
This Reporter Had the Perfect Response to the Leftist Lunacy Over Israel’s Hostage Raid

All that can be said about his clip is well done. Sky News Australia’s James Macpherson is a gem for standing up to the lunacy that’s pervaded his industry and academia when it comes to Israel. In eight minutes, his commentary shreds the leftist lunacy over Israel’s justified war in Gaza against Hamas. Last weekend, four Israeli hostages were rescued. Some 100-200 Palestinians were reportedly killed in the raid, which sparked outrage from the antisemitic and anti-Israel clowns who think genocide is being committed in the region. 

Civilians were detaining these hostages in apartments in densely populated areas. Hamas terrorists fired rocket-propelled grenades and other ordinances to fend off IDF forces. What’s puzzling Macpherson is why are so many people angrier at Israel for rescuing its hostages than the Hamas thugs who took them over 246 days ago. He also gave some helpful tips, albeit tongue-in-cheek, like if you don’t want to die or have your apartment blown up, maybe don’t keep hostages there. 

Second, is anyone curious as to why Hamas was firing grenade launchers into densely packed areas where people would get killed? Is it because they never cared about the civilian population, which explains why bomb shelters for civilians were never built in case the IDF launched an offensive operation in the region, operations that IDF forces provide forewarning? With these operations, no warnings were given for one simple reason: it would have led to the deaths of the hostages. 

The Left is mourning the deaths of terrorists, and, as Macpherson noted, it’s ridiculous. He spoke at length about the tweet posted by Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, which is so dense, so detached from reality, and offensively anti-Israel that it only warrants how Macpherson responded to it: “Honestly, some things are so stupid, you'd have to be a UN official to say them.” 

The Left treats Hamas as a diplomatic equal, rational, and capable of reason. They’re not. They’re a terrorist group that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel, the total annihilation of the Jewish people, and all infidels. Ms. Albanese’s actions would lead to serial repetition of October 7-like attacks, which may be her goal, as her hatred of Jews oozes from her social media accounts. 

The war crime was what Hamas did on October 7. The continuation of the war is Hamas’ fault, as was its inception. And yesterday, the terror group again rejected a ceasefire deal. These developments and facts exposing the evil within Hamas fly over the heads of liberals who have quickly adopted Nazi-like rhetoric toward Jews, as we’ve seen on many a college campus in recent weeks. 

Mr. Macpherson, well done, sir.