
Biden's Anti-Gun Speech Was a Trainwreck

President Joe Biden delivered an anti-gun speech hours after his son, Hunter, was convicted on federal gun charges. It’s no shock that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre opted not to brief the press, scurrying away like a scared wombat to avoid the obvious questions about this part of Biden’s schedule. Biden delivered this address at Everytown for Gun Safety's Gun Sense University in Washington, D.C. It was an absolute trainwreck.

The father of a gun felon delivering a speech on gun control—you can’t make that up. It was riddled with inaccuracies and overall strangeness. Biden spoke about how he convinced a Delaware fisherman to relinquish his “assault weapon.” Then, there was this jabberwocky about magazines that could carry “200 shells,” botched a Thomas Jefferson quote, spoke about teaching jobs he never had, and then trotted the lie that no one could own a cannon. The president also said that guns kill more children than car accidents or cancer and that the gun industry is the only sector protected by a legal shield–all of which are lies. 

Like his son’s crack cocaine addiction, Biden can’t help repeating this line about needing F-15s to take on the government.

At a time when the nation’s economy is drifting toward the cliffs, no one cares about gun control. Inflation torching the home budgets of working Americans is a more significant issue, along with the immigration crisis, which is getting more attention finally now that radical Islamic terrorists are getting busted. Immigration has soared to the top of the heap of 2024 issues, and Trump is handily winning on that issue, including with Hispanic voters. A solid majority of Americans, 60-plus percent, now support mass deportations. 

Biden’s approval ratings are so low that FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver thinks he should quit. Gun control isn’t going to get Democrats energized for you, Joe. Most of them agree that you’re too old, too. 

This address was a misfire and shameless, given Hunter Biden’s verdict.


Biden was also heckled by pro-Hamas supporters: