
Democrats Use Hunter Biden's Verdict to Justify Trump's Verdict

On Tuesday, Hunter Biden was found guilty on three felony counts in the state of Delaware. The jury deliberated for less than three hours before reaching a verdict related to his 2018 purchase of a firearm while using illicit drugs. Hunter faces up to 25 years in prison, $750,000 in fines, and nine years of supervised release. 

When the verdict was announced, many Americans from both sides of the political spectrum went on social media to voice their opinions on Hunter's rightful conviction. The left, however, also used Hunter's verdict to defend the "reliability" of the justice system, often comparing Hunter's verdict with former president Donald Trump's verdict last month. 

Essentially, the Left claims the justice system is not broken because it was able to make a "fair" decision in Hunter's case, proving Trump's verdict was "accurately" deliberated. 

Brian Krassenstein, a political commentator, tweeted right before the verdict was read he "supported" any decision the jury made, "just like with Trump." 

After the verdict was announced, Krassenstein tweeted the judicial system is a "separate branch of government from the Executive branch." 

Kyle Becker, an independent journalist, also posted a clip of Rachel Scott, ABC News senior congressional correspondent, stating, "[The Hunter Biden verdict] certainly flies in the face of everything that the former president has been pushing, trying to undermine the legal and the justice system."