
The Washington Post's Headline About Israel Rescuing Its Hostages Is Beyond Outrageous

The Washington Post seemed quite irritated, even outraged, that Israeli forces in Gaza staged a successful rescue operation that liberated four hostages on Saturday. Spencer wrote about the daring raid yesterday: 

The Israel Defense Forces carried out a daring operation Saturday morning that successfully rescued alive four hostages who had been held by Hamas for the last eight months. 

A joint statement released by the IDF, Shin Bet, and Israeli police said a "complex operation" liberated Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir (21), Andrei Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40) — all four of which were kidnapped by Hamas from the Nova Music Festival during the Iran-backed terrorists' October 7 massacre. 

Officials said the four hostages were rescued from two separate locations in Nuseirat in central Gaza. Not for nothing, the area is also home to a refugee camp, another instance of Hamas terrorists trying to hide behind and among civilians. 

In this case, not only was Hamas keeping hostages in a civilian area, but the hostages were being held in civilian homes and civilians knew the hostages were there.

The paper opted to write about how 200 Palestinians were reportedly killed in the operation. 

“More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza,” read the headline (via WaPo):

Israel’s military launched one of the bloodiest raids of the war Saturday, killing more than 200 Palestinians in a brazen operation to rescue four hostages from the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces recovered the hostages alive from two buildings in Nuseirat, an impoverished refugee camp. But the fiery assault, in the middle of the day, left unimaginable devastation in its wake. 

Residential blocks were destroyed, tanks menaced the streets and grievously wounded Palestinians, some without limbs, writhed in pain on the dusty roads of the camp’s central market, according to videos and images of the raid. Many of them never reached local hospitals, health officials said. But even then, medical facilities decimated by the war often have little ability to treat injured patients. 

“Israel committed a massacre in Nuseirat,” Khalil al-Degran, spokesman for al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in nearby Deir al-Balah, said at a news conference Saturday. “In this terrible state … the hospital cannot absorb the number of dead and injured. The hospital has been at full capacity for weeks.”

The civilians were terrorist allies and willing accomplices, so they got what was coming to them. I also do not care. 

Only terrorists cry about other spilled terrorists. These people knew what they were getting themselves into when they backed Hamas’ operation, which is clear since these hostages were being tended to by supposedly innocent Palestinian civilians. 

I’m not sad that some got killed in this raid. This is war—people die. Also, these deaths are the fault of Hamas, who refuses to release the remaining Israeli hostages from the October 7 attacks. Whatever the reason for the continuation of the war—it’s Hamas’ fault. There is no debate. Plaster as many dead babies from Pallywood on social media as possible if you want; I’m unmoved. Hamas started this war. They keep their civilian population suffering by continuing to fight this losing battle. It’s their fault. 

Hamas also thought the longer the war, the more pressure will be brought to bear. Israel has withstood it. And now Hamas’ fugazi death toll propaganda is being picked apart by outlets like The Associated Press. The media, Democrats, and antisemites peddled Hamas’ death toll numbers for months. Those who refused to be suckered by terrorists knew the figures were cooked. Hamas revised its figures months ago. Recently, the United Nations did so as well, reducing the number of women and children killed in this war by half. The AP, besides torching the death toll count as mathematically false, also noted that civilian casualties have decreased precipitously, undercutting these false and unhinged claims of genocide in Gaza. 

Enough with feeling bad for these evil people, who keep making dumb decisions, like attacking Israel and getting killed for it.