
WaPo Executive Editor Has Resigned. The Reason Behind It Isn't Hard to Figure Out.

Sally Buzbee, the first female executive editor of The Washington Post, resigned earlier this month. No reason was given, but the paper has been bleeding subscribers and revenue for years. The publication cut more than 200 jobs last October, as subscriptions continue to slide. Losses reportedly were in the neighborhood of $77 million. So, if you need a reason why Buzbee left, look no further than the business model. Also, the workforce has become a total joke.

Buzbee’s departure comes around the time a new subscription service is being mulled, along with a new division aimed at re-engaging with readers who have largely tapped out (via Politico): 

No reason was given for Buzbee’s departure. She wasn’t quoted in the news release announcing her departure and did not immediately return a message seeking comment. 

The Post also announced … that it was launching a new division in its newsroom dedicated to reaching audiences who want to pay for and consume news in a different way.


[Will] Lewis was named late last year to replace Fred Ryan as Post publisher. He has worked at both The Wall Street Journal and The Telegraph in England, the places he turned to find the new executives. 

He’s talked about creating a multi-tier subscription plan for The Post, similar to that in place at Politico. In an email to employees late Sunday, Lewis said the new department will focus on more video storytelling, will embrace artificial intelligence and flexible payment methods. It will begin operation this fall, he said. 

And Leah wrote about how Lewis ripped into the writers of the paper for drafting material that no one reads, adding that he could no longer “sugarcoat” the work anymore. It’s not cutting it. The paper is in a financial hole, only sinking further into that chasm. And when he confronted his staff about the loss in revenue, a reporter wondered if Lewis had spoken with any women or people of color. You cannot make this up: 

The far-left acolytes have graduated college and entered the workforce, inflicting chaos and economic destruction wherever they go. Not that I’m shedding any tears, but they’re destroying the Washington Post. My guess is that Buzbee wanted no part of this circus anymore, and I don’t blame her.