
Trump and Biden Are Tied in This Democratic Stronghold

Late last month, CBS News reported that a new poll showed that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were neck-and-neck in three battleground states; Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. 

“Rising prices have made the economy a top concern for voters,” CBS explained, adding that most voters “by a sizable margin” said that they’d be better off financially with Trump in office. 

A poll published this week by Roanoke College’s Institute for Policy and Opinion Research shows that Trump and Biden are tied in Virginia. 

In the poll, each candidate received 42 percent support from likely voters. Another 14 percent said they would vote for other candidates and the remaining 2 permanent said they were undecided (via the New York Post):

When three other third-party candidates were polled, Biden edged ahead of Trump by 40% to 38%. Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received 8% support, Green Party leader Jill Stein received 3%, and independent Cornel West received 1% support.

Another 8% said they would vote for “other” candidates in the five-way matchup and 2% said they were undecided.

The poll also showed that a majority of likely voters (63%) think that Biden legitimately won the election in 2020, but one-third (34%) say he won because of election irregularities. In addition, respondents are more likely to see Trump’s years as president as “mostly good” for the country (via

Respondents are more likely to view the Trump years as mostly good for the country (44% mostly good; 33% mostly bad), and they see the Biden years more negatively (25% mostly good; 47% mostly bad). Republicans are very enthusiastic about the Trump years (87% see them as mostly good), while half (50%) of Democrats think of Biden’s years as mostly good.

According to the Post, Virginia has not supported a Republican for president in 20 years. The survey interviewed 711 likely voters in Virginia between May 12 and May 21, 2024 and has a weighted margin of error of 4.24 percent.