
Chris Sununu: Governors Get Along Except Everyone Hates These Two

Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu did not mince words about the governors he doesn’t like during an event at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in Washington, D.C., last Thursday. He was brutal toward some of his colleagues residing in other governor’s mansions. For the most part, Sununu said that most governors get along; they’re cordial, and they can work together. Only two are on the proverbial s**t list: former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

At first, Sununu didn’t reveal the names until he decided to throw caution to the wind and vent. The man isn’t running for re-election, and I feel Mr. Sununu has said something similar behind closed doors to Democrats and Republicans. 

When referring to Andrew Cuomo, Sununu called him a “complete jacka**; no one liked him.” 

“And I got to be honest, no one cares for Gavin [Newsom]. Gavin’s just a prick,” he added. 

Sununu on the warpath drew laughter from the audience. The New Hampshire Republican admitted that there was a time when he did get along with the California Democrat, but even now, members of Newsom’s party find him annoying. 

“They [Democrats] won’t tell you out loud, but behind closed doors, they’re like, ‘Oh God, look who’s coming,’ you know they all roll their eyes.” 

Most who’ve followed these two clowns, Newsom and Cuomo, would come to the same conclusion.