
Tired of Waiting for Border Agents, Illegal Aliens Call a Lyft and Become 'Gotaways'

The multifaceted crisis unleashed by President Joe Biden and his administration at the U.S.-Mexico border — including impeached Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas — continues to rage as a consequence of the federal government's dereliction of duty. Border agents, saddled with the overwhelming consequences of Biden's willful abdication of authority, continue to be overrun by illegal aliens. 

The open border, along with the record-setting influx of illegal aliens, means that there have been millions of "gotaways," both known and unknown. Too many gaps, not enough manpower, and an administration uninterested in doing anything to reduce the incentives for illegal immigration has created an increasingly dangerous reality along the border. 

So, just how overwhelmed are border agents? Fox News Channel's Bill Melugin witnessed a real-world example of how bleak the situation has become this week.

In a post on X, Melugin said he watched as a group of illegal aliens from Columbia waited for border agents to arrive and apprehend them for processing with the hope of being released into the U.S. awaiting a long-off asylum hearing like millions of other illegal aliens before them under Biden's policies. Some "got sick of waiting, so they called a Lyft and just got picked up," making them another set of "gotaways."

The Lyft driver who picked up the illegal aliens "may have just committed a federal crime if she [transported illegal aliens] knowingly," Melugin noted. 

With no deterrence and few, if any, consequences, scenarios like this will continue to play out. Despite efforts by House Republicans to secure the border and reinstate Trump-era policies that kept the number of illegal aliens to a manageable level, Biden and Senate Democrats continue to block any real solutions. Even worse, despite using his executive powers to end policies that kept the border secure, Biden now denies there's anything he can do and the crisis it long-denied must be dealt with legislatively.