
Here's the Video of Biden CBS’s Margaret Brennan Thought Was a Deepfake

In the age of artificial intelligence, photos and videos now leave people wondering whether they’re real or fake. How can one tell? That was the subject of an interview CBS’s Margaret Brennan conducted with Lindsay Gorman, a technology expert at the German Marshall Fund. 

While the clip is from July 2023, it’s making its rounds again on social media. 

When asked whether Brennan thought it was real or a deep fake, she said the latter because Biden didn’t blink once in the 17-second clip.  

Gorman told her it was from a speech the president gave to the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers.

“It looks really like a deepfake,” she acknowledged. “It has sort of a washed out look, he didn’t move very much…and yes he didn’t blink for the whole 17 second clip, and when this actually surfaced about a year ago there were conspiracy theories and people thinking this had to be a deepfake even though it came from the DNC’s own social media account and was later published by the White House itself.” 

She noted that context and source are important in discerning an image or video’s authenticity. But as many social media users pointed out, just because it came from a trusted source doesn't mean much nowadays.