
Here's How Unused COVID-19 Funds Will Be Spent Under New Senate Bill

Earlier this year, Townhall reported how a report from the non-profit Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CTUP) how the Biden administration made “catastrophic errors” in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before this report came out, Guy covered how the Wall Street Journal uncovered a massive COVID-19 spending scandal.

"When Covid-19 struck, the U.S. government gave hospitals tens of billions of dollars to help them cope with the strains of the pandemic. Many of the hospitals didn’t need it. The aid enriched some well-off systems, while failing to meet the needs of many that were struggling," the report stated. And, much of the money handed out during the COVID-19 pandemic was not spent. 

Under a new Senate bill, unused COVID-19 funds could be used to continue the construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a report from Fox News. 

Reportedly, Senate Republican Conference Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY), introduced an amendment to the border bill, supported by Democrats, that is expected to come to the floor this week (via Fox News):

Titled "The Build the Wall Act of 2024," the measure would create a "Southern Border Wall Construction Fund" and instruct the Department of Homeland Security to use unobligated funds that were initially authorized for pandemic recovery. 

"Border walls work. Before President Biden came into office, we were well on our way to a secure and safe southern border. But on his first day in office, the president and Democrats rolled out the welcome mat for millions of illegal immigrants to come into our nation," Barrasso said in a statement to the outlet.

"We must hold Democrats accountable for their open border policies that have created the worst border crisis in our nation’s history. If they are serious about securing our border, they should have no issues voting for a policy that actually works and is already paid for," he added.

With the 2024 election looming, more Democrats have indicated that they support measures to secure the border. This comes after polls showed the border security is one of the top concerns of most voters. 

Earlier this month, 15 House Democrats called on President Joe Biden to take executive action to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a letter obtained by CBS News. The lawmakers explained in the letter that "all of our constituents, no matter our congressional district, have felt the impacts of the current border situation." 

"It has become clear that the current situation remains untenable, but with Republicans playing politics on border security, it is time for your administration to act," the letter said. "We urge you to use all tools at your disposal, including executive action, to better address security at the Southern border, interdict illicit fentanyl and allow for orderly legal immigration."