
WaPo Gets a New Headline Suggestion for Story on Florida Meteorologist's Criticism of DeSantis

Gov. Ron DeSantis's communications director on Tuesday offered some edits to The Washington Post on a headline about a Miami TV meteorologist’s on-air criticism of the Republican governor for recently-signed legislation concerning the climate agenda and energy policy. 

Last week, DeSantis explained that the legislation will "keep windmills off our beaches, gas in our tanks, and China out of our state.

“We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots," he continued. “Furthermore, we’re going to ensure foreign adversaries like China have no foothold in our state."

Meteorologist Steve MacLaughlin took issue with the governor for signing the legislation, however.

“The world is looking to Florida to lead in climate change, and our government is saying that climate change is no longer the priority it once was,” MacLaughlin said as he discussed what he claimed was record heat, flooding, and rain in the state, though Junk Science founder Steve Milloy pointed out data show that's not true.

Nevertheless, MacLaughlin urged viewers to make their feelings about climate change known at the ballot box.

“Please keep in mind the most powerful climate change solution is the one you already have in the palm of your hands — the right to vote,” MacLaughlin said. “And we will never tell you who to vote for, but we will tell you this: We implore you to please do your research and know that there are candidates that believe in climate change and that there are solutions, and that there are candidates that don’t.”

DeSantis’s communications director Bryan Griffin corrected The Washington Post’s headline as he believed it should read. 

"The truth is, no one has done more for Florida's environment than @GovRonDeSantis," he added. "The Climate Change™ firm just can't stand being cut out, even at the cost of reliable, clean domestic energy. Florida stands up for sanity."