
House Republicans Have a Message for Schumer Regarding His So-Called Border Bill

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is again trying to gaslight Americans into thinking Democrats take the border crisis they created seriously ahead of November's critical presidential and congressional elections — this week by attempting to revive the Senate's disaster of a "border bill."

Schumer announced Sunday he would be bringing the so-called bipartisan bill back to the Senate floor for a vote in a letter to members of the upper chamber despite GOP leadership opposing the final result of negotiations earlier this year. Once the text of the bill was released, the legislation was quickly rejected by those who actually want to take action to secure the U.S.-Mexico border turned into chaos by the Biden administration.

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) reacted to Schumer's announcement of his latest attempt to look serious about the border crisis by calling the legislation a "fake border bill" and warning it "will fail, again, because it does nothing to seriously secure the border." 

Even if Schumer can get the bill passed in the Senate, the legislation has nonexistent odds of passing the House of Representatives where Republicans' repeated attempts to secure the border — including H.R. 2 — have all been blocked by Schumer and Democrats in the upper chamber. 

A joint statement on Monday from House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), GOP Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), and GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) slammed Biden and Democrats' abdication of responsibility for securing the border and made their position on the Senate border bill clear (emphasis added):

For more than three years now, Congressional Democrats have stood by while the Biden Administration has opened our borders to criminal drug cartels, terrorists, and untold millions of illegal immigrants. Now, Leader Schumer is trying give his vulnerable members cover by bringing a vote on a bill which has already failed once in the Senate because it would actually codify many of the disastrous Biden open border policies that created this crisis in the first place. Should it reach the House, the bill would be dead on arrival.

Since the beginning of this Congress, the House has passed multiple pieces of bipartisan legislation to secure the border and deport criminal illegal immigrants, including the Laken Riley Act. All of them have been blocked by Schumer and Senate Democrats. The Secure the Border Act (H.R.2), which would end the border catastrophe by resuming construction of the border wall, ending the exploitation of parole, reinstating Remain in Mexico, and ending catch-and-release, has also been collecting dust on Schumer’s desk for over a year. If Senate Democrats were actually serious about solving the problem and ending the border catastrophe, they would bring up H.R. 2 and pass it this week.

Neither Biden nor Democrats will do anything that cracks down on illegal immigration — all they've done is worsened the crisis the administration created with day-one executive actions and subsequent abuse of parole to send millions of illegal aliens streaming into the interior. When states, such as Texas, seek to do the job abdicated by Democrats in Washington, D.C., the Biden administration sues them to prevent the border from being secured. 

The things that did work and would work again — remain in Mexico, for example — will not be a part of Democrat legislation because they don't want to secure the border, they just want to be able to gaslight American voters into believing Democrats look like they're concerned about the crisis they created.