
RFK Jr. Asks Public for Help Getting Him Secret Service Protection After Latest Incident

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is asking the public for help pressuring the Biden administration to give him a Secret Service detail after an intruder broke into his home—the latest in a number of frightening security incidents that have targeted the environmental lawyer. 

“You might have heard that yet another intruder broke into my house this week, and returned to my house again shortly after the police released him,” Kennedy said in a video posted to social media. “Last month, an armed gunman using falsified U.S. Marshal badges and phony federal ID, and carrying an arsenal in his backpack, tried to approach me at a speech in Los Angeles, a short distance from where my dad was assassinated.”

Following the assassinations of his father, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, in the ‘60s, Kennedy noted that “every presidential candidate since the 1970s who’s asked for protection has received it.”

“However, President Biden has made the historic decision to deny me a Secret Service detail. I’m the only one whose request in history has ever been denied. I don’t spend time worrying about my personal safety, but I do worry about the safety of my family, and their sense of well-being. And about the safety of bystanders if there happens to be a more serious incident,” Kennedy continued. 

RFK Jr. claimed the Biden administration's decision to deny him Secret Service protection "was a naked political calculation" and asked the public to sign a petition to pressure the White House to grant the presidential candidate the protection he has requested.