
Trump Rips Biden Over Israel at Massive New Jersey Rally

Over the weekend, former President Donald Trump held a large rally at the Jersey Shore, attended by tens of thousands of supporters.  Among the topics Trump covered in his speech was President Joe Biden's threat to cut off offensive military aid to Israel if the Jewish state invades Rafah to clear out Hamas' final stronghold in Gaza.  That decision, which has drawn bipartisan criticism, was loudly booed by the crowd as Trump described the policy as "one of the worst betrayals of an American ally in the history of country," and evidence of Biden being a "weak and pathetic president."  Trump vowed to support Israel in its fight against the terrorists, and said the attack and war wouldn't have happened if he'd been in the White House:

And yes, the crowd was as advertised and quite impressive for six months out from an election -- even if holding a New Jersey event is a bit puzzling:

In any case, supporting Israel is actually good politics in addition to good, moral policy -- as Trump likely understands.  The American public heavily favors the Israeli's in their war against the genocidal jihadists who attacked them last fall.  Biden keeps pandering to the loud "pro-Palestinian" and pro-Hamas fringe, due to their perceived electoral influence in a place like battleground Michigan.  Eighty percent of the electorate is on the other, correct side of the issue.  Biden's handlers are now claiming the president has supposedly decided that Israel can't destroy Hamas by attacking their remaining military units in Rafah.  Setting aside Biden's historically poor judgment about, well, nearly every foreign policy issue he's encountered, the administration had previously explicitly endorsed the elimination of Hamas after October 7th.  A flip-flop against rooting a vicious terror organization, as they actively hold Americans hostage.  Appalling:

Team Biden can pretend this is about military strategy or humanitarian concerns (Hamas keeps stealing aid, attacking aid corridors, and hiding behind civilians), but it's really about a domestic political calculation.  I think it's a miscalculation, because far more voters support Israel and the anti-Israel crowd implacably calls Biden "Genocide Joe," but he keeps chasing their votes anyway -- even going so far as to sell out a key ally mid-war. A scandal.  A disgrace.  

These are not the actions of a reckless military, deliberately putting civilians in harm's way.  As has always been the case with Israel's operations -- which are unprecedented in their avoidance of collateral damage -- this is the opposite of what a "genocide" looks like, as the Biden administration well knows:

This, however, is genocidal:

Finish them, regardless of what this weak, craven president might say.  Our adversaries ignore his "don't" admonitions.  Unfortunately, now our allies must, too.  What an embarrassment.  Maybe 2024 Joe Biden should have a conversation with 2006 Joe Biden:

I'll leave you with this: