
One State Just Cut Off Funding for Planned Parenthood

On Thursday, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, signed a bill into law that cuts off Medicaid funding for abortion giant Planned Parenthood. 

According to the Associated Press, Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi have successfully blocked Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, Planned Parenthood performed 374,155 abortions in 2020-21.

Missouri, a state that is historically pro-life, enacted a law prohibiting nearly all abortions after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in 2022. 

Since then, Planned Parenthood locations in the state have stopped providing abortions. The centers have continued providing contraceptive care, STI testing, and other wellness checks, according to the Missouri Independent. 

Predictably, Planned Parenthood spoke out about the new law.

“This bill not only defies the ruling of Missouri’s highest court but also flouts federal Medicaid law,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement, according to AP. “By denying Medicaid patients’ right to receive health care from Planned Parenthood, politicians are directly obstructing access to much-needed health services, including birth control, cancer screenings, annual wellness exams, and STI testing and treatment.”

On X, the organization claimed that the law was targeted at low-income people.

The Missouri Independent noted that Missouri Republicans have twice before tried to pass a similar restriction through the state budget. These previous attempts were ruled unconstitutional by state courts.