
'Commonsense Fails' Yet Again in Senate, Scott Says After Sanders Blocks His Antisemitism Resolution

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Tuesday blocked a resolution that condemned antisemitism on higher education campuses throughout the U.S.

The resolution, put forth by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), also condemned the administrators of these institutions who have enabled the behavior. 

In response, Sanders issued his own resolution that he claimed would do more to protect students’ First Amendment rights.

“The two-thousand-plus arrests on college campuses weren’t because of violence against black folks or violence against Muslims or violence against Hispanics or violence against Asians,” Scott said. “It was violence against Jewish students. It was vandalism on college campuses because of these folks who ere trying to intimidate and get to our Jewish students. It was our Jewish students that couldn’t walk to class in peace. It was our Jewish students who couldn’t study in libraries without intimidation.”

“An objection to my resolution is an objection to the reality that, today, our Jewish students are facing disgusting environments on college campuses and the administrators sit back with their hands under their butts,” he added.