
The Frat Guys Are Leading the Way Against the Radical Left

Kurt Schlichter is back for another episode of his "Unredacted" podcast! His unfiltered, uncensored, exclusive podcast is for our valued Townhall VIP membersIf you're not yet a VIP member, join today to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP column, the Stream of Kurtiousness video series, and, of course, this VIP podcast! All uncensored!

The frat guys are leading the way for the political right. They refuse to submit to the anti-Semitic and radical left. They could just stay in their fraternity houses and say, "We're just going to stay in our building and drink our Coors light." No, they are fighting back. And I love it. They were obnoxious and called racists, but what do they have to lose? They are already called racists by the weirdos, freaks, and mutations on the left. Republicans need to follow their fearless lead.