
'Guillotine, Guillotine': Pro-Hamas Goons on Campus Now Calling for Executions

The pro-Hamas encampment at George Washington University in DC has been in full, hideous swing for days.  City officials refused to allow the police to help the school clear the encampment, despite an explicit request from GW to do so, citing bad 'optics.'  Since then, the mob overran officers and barricades to expand their "encampment," completely covered a Washington statue with Palestinian garb and other desecrations, booed and jeered when an American flag was unfurled overlooking their terrorism-supporting 'protest,' then projected a 'Genocide Joe' message over the flag.  What patriotic frat boys on various campuses seem to instinctively understand is that these people aren't just anti-Israel; they overwhelmingly hate America, too.  That's what drives so much of the dirtbag left.  These people despise Western civilization, and they're deeply radical at heart.  

Look at this insanity:

"Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine"

"Bracey, Bracey, we see you. You assault students too. Off to the motherf***ing gallows with you.

These are sick people. The university leadership has belatedly come to understand that they have lost control of the situation:

What might DC officials think of these "optics"?  They generally coddle criminals, so it's unclear if they're offended by any of this.  Meanwhile, scenes at MIT:

They're literally chanting for death, in English and Arabic, on US soil. UPDATE - Compare and contrast the media coverage:

I'll leave you with thoughts from the leader of the University of Florida, who has handled this correctly from the start:

UPDATE II - I'm not a legal expert, but at what point does abhorrent speech cross a line into physical threats? This isn't mere Hamas sympathizing, which is odious enough.  This is Hamas-style menacing of Jews: