
In Case You Didn't Know, Roads and Bridges Are Now 'Racist'

Everything is always about race with the Democratic Party— even roads and bridges are somehow racist. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) explains why roads, bridges, and communities are built to be so-called “racist” and how some communities feel racially harmed by highway expansions. 

“There is a psychic weight to living in communities that are designed to be disconnected. It affects your social life. My neighborhood that I'm from, in the Bronx and Parkchester, we have some of the longest commutes in all of New York City. It is a commute not just to work, it is a commute to do anything. It is a commute to connect socially. It is a commute to connect spiritually. These decisions are designed to disconnect, disempower, and isolate people,” AOC said. 

This is not the first time the Democrat congresswoman has claimed the expansion of highway construction exacerbates racial inequality.

In 2021, AOC said that highway development results in racial segregation and eliminates black wealth.

"Construction of highways can have a disproportionate impact on communities of color, from displacement and pollution, and high-speed rail actually connects these communities to greater economic and housing opportunities,” she said. 

AOC has not been the only one to play the race game regarding the country’s infrastructure. 

In 2022, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg launched a $1 billion pilot to build racial equity in roads, claiming that some infrastructure was built as a “direct effort to replace or eliminate Black neighborhoods.”

“We can’t ignore the basic truth: that some of the planners and politicians behind those projects built them directly through the heart of vibrant populated communities,” he said. “Sometimes as an effort to reinforce segregation. Sometimes because the people there have less power to resist.”