
How a Black Man Reacted When a White Pro-Hamas Supporter Told Him He Couldn't Walk Around UCLA

Whoever “CupidSoulja” is, he’s doing the Lord’s work. He and many others are filming the mayhem that’s engulfed college campuses over the war in Gaza. On his part, he’s documenting the calmer side of these pro-Hamas encampments, which cannot be avoided in some places because they’ve overtaken key grounds and buildings. “Cupidsoulja’s” videos don’t capture anything violent but document plenty of illiberal nonsense. 

Mr. Cupid is a student at UCLA. It’s well that no hostilities broke out because he had his young daughter with him. In a couple of videos, he’s blocked from wandering campus. He noted the irony: a white pro-Hamas supporter telling a black man to leave. The best part is when he explains to pro-Hamas students pestering him about his recording that First Amendment rights are inapplicable in this situation because no cameras were invented when the Constitution was drafted. What are they teaching at these schools? That exchange begins around 3:50:

UCLA has endured violent confrontations when the sun goes down. the campus is a dump, and the school’s administration appears more incompetent than Columbia University’s, telling the LAPD to stand down during this week’s chaos.