
Gaetz Gets Last Minute Primary Challenge

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) responded Monday to the last-minute primary challenge he received from Aaron Dimmock, who submitted paperwork to run in Florida’s 1st Congressional District hours before a filing deadline last Friday.  

The former Naval aviator, reportedly recruited by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, will go head-to-head with Gaetz in the state’s Aug. 20 primary. 

"Meet @aaronwdimmock - the BLM supporting DEI instructor running against me in the Republican Primary. I knew former Representative McCarthy would be getting a puppet of his to run. I didn’t know it would be a Woke Toby Flenderson!" Gaetz said on X. 

Mr. Dimmock’s campaign committee shares a treasurer with American Patriots PAC, a group that was used by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy to support candidates who were aligned with him in the 2022 midterms. Mr. Gaetz led the revolt among House Republicans that ultimately ousted Mr. McCarthy from the speakership. (NYT)

According to the Pensacola News Journal, Dimmock is “currently the director for leadership programs at the University of West Florida's Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz Center for Leadership.”

Responding on X, Gaetz shared old posts from Dimmock showing his support for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Black Lives Matter movement. 

On Dimmock's LinkedIn page, posts from when he served as director for the workplace training and consulting firm Chapman & Co highlight how at the company they "commit to audit every business process to ensure they reflect a culture of inclusion” and “serve non-profits advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

Gaetz said he was "excited to welcome" Dimmock to the race. 

“I’m excited to welcome Missouri-based DEI instructor Aaron Dimmock to the campaign. This is Trump Country. Our pronouns are USA and MAGA,” Gaetz said in a statement to media outlets. “I’m a proud Trump Republican. I stand shoulder to shoulder with President Trump to defeat Joe Biden, secure our border, restore our economy, and support our veterans.”