
Biden Immigration Agency Begins Rolling Out Absurd Change to Form

In the middle of a self-inflicted storm of negative attention after calling for Americans to observe Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday — something the president now falsely denies while his spokeswoman calls criticism "misinformation" — President Joe Biden and his administration are moving ahead with making a "third gender option" available to individuals applying for naturalization. 

According to the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), applicants for naturalization can now identify as "X," offered as "Another Gender Identity" for those who choose not to be male or female. The announcement came on April 1 but apparently was not intended as a joke. 

The Biden administration agency said on Monday that its "Form N-400 will be the first USCIS form to include the X gender option" and is available to applicants effective immediately. Those non-binary individuals who filled out the form before April 1, USCIS explained, "may request to update their gender." Even when mired in woke gender ideology, bureaucracy is still bureaucracy, it seems. 

Lest one thinks that the Biden administration is just rolling its alternative gender identity option for naturalization applicants, USCIS added that "[f]or all other forms, individuals must wait until USCIS revises those forms to include the X gender option." That is, this is only the beginning of an overhaul of the agency's paperwork to cater to those who believe they're something other than a male or a female. 

The move from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services makes sense for the Biden administration's woke regime — if they'll reduce mothers to "birthing persons" what won't they do? — but it highlights the warped priorities of this government. There have been record-setting numbers of illegal aliens streaming into the country, a surge of preventable violent crimes carried out by those who unlawfully enter the country, yet a key Biden administration agency dealing with our immigration system — including asylum applications — is focused on offering "Another Gender Identity" to those it processes.

It's worth remembering that in February 2022, as Townhall reported at the time, USCIS updated its mission statement to remove a few key tenets of the previous declaration of goals, including mentions of "lawful immigration" and "securing the homeland." Under Biden, the agency instead shifted to a commitment to uphold "America's promise as a nation of welcome."