
What a Gold Star Mom Said About Joe Biden Left This CNN Anchor Speechless

Joe Biden was known for his empathy until he became president. Biden had a great run manufacturing a sense of care that was quite the long con. He’s an egotistical and temperamental old man who berates his staff, aides, and all-around scumbag who is now in the deepest throes of dementia. Biden can’t remember when his son died. When things go wrong, and he knows he’s stuck, the man lashes out or doesn’t care. 

Nicole Gee’s family members experienced the latter part of Biden’s uncaring side. Gee was one of the 13 US soldiers killed in a suicide bombing attack in Kabul when the president quarterbacked a chaotic and ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

Christy Shamblin, Gee’s daughter-in-law, was interviewed by CNN’s Abby Phillip, who was trying to sell the Biden is the 'consoler in chief' narrative only to get a response from the family that left her a little aghast. There's a noticeable pause with Phillip.

No. He's [Biden] not reached out to our family,” said Shamblin. “We've actually reached out to the White House and have never heard back. We asked to meet with them...We've not received a response. It's been months." 

“Sorry to hear that,” replied Phillip. 

When the bodies of the dead were returned to Dover in September of 2021, Biden was caught looking at his watch. The media tried to gaslight us. It didn’t work. Just like how this line about Joe being a night owl, ever-vigilant, and sharp as a tack mentally isn’t resonating because we can all see he’s a degraded codger who can’t remember when he was vice president under Obama.

Editor's Note: Nicole Gee's name was misspelled in the initial post. Apologies about that, folks.