
The ATF's Interview on Face the Nation Was a Trainwreck

You should come away asking one question after watching this interview between CBS News’ Margaret Brennan and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Sunday: what the hell did I just watch? If anything, ATF Director Steve Dettelbach made the case for his agency’s dissolution. I admit to being unable to watch all of it because it was more of a Moms Demand gun-grabber seminar. The term ‘ghost gun’ was used multiple times—that stuff doesn’t exist. And these are the federal officials tasked with fighting illegal firearm activity, among other things.  

The scare tactics included how to make common semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic weapons by creating certain parts from 3D printers. They also admit that it’s criminal elements—gangs and drug cartels—who are doing this, not law-abiding Americans.  

We’re back to relitigating bump stocks and what is a machine gun because the anti-gun Left felt Trump’s existing bump stock ban was too lenient. They sued and won, and now the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about this in the Garland v. Cargill case.  

As some noted, it’s also a bit unsettling that these folks, who are supposedly experts, handle these firearms as if they’re the weapons sold at Jeebs’ pawn shop in Men in Black. Also, the ATF director doesn’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine. I tuned out when the term ‘ghost gun’ was uttered.  

What a mess of an interview. I'm sure our friends at Bearing Arms will have fun with this one.