
Woke Google AI Erases U.S. History

Google is in hot water after its artificial intelligence image generator is erasing U.S. history, turning out to be racist. 

Google’s latest AI chatbot, Gemini, has proven just how ultra-woke the tech company is after it inaccurately generated images such as a female pope, pictures of black and Native American men signing what appears to be a version of the American Constitution and gender-swapped versions of famous photos. 

The New York Post asked the chatbot to generate an image of a pope. Despite recent popes being white males, Google drew a Southeast Asian woman and a black man dressed in a traditional cassock. 

More from the Wall Street Journal: 

In one widely shared example, Gemini appeared to respond with a racially diverse group of images when prompted to generate a German soldier in 1943, when the Nazi Party was in power.

Google initially stood behind Gemini’s propensity to generate racially diverse images, citing the company’s diverse global user base, and said it was working to improve the historical depictions.

On Thursday, Google suspended the image generator feature, citing recent issues with “inaccuracies in some historical depictions.” The woke tech giant claimed its goal was not to ultimately change historical images and the demographic of key figures but to “provide a more accurate and inclusive representation of the historical context.”

The AI chatbot goes beyond just manipulating photos. One user asked the system to draw a picture of a church in San Francisco. However, the woke Google software refused because it felt it would be “offensive” to some groups.