
Trump Overwhelmingly Outperforms Biden on Key Issues

Confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to effectively run the country is quickly diminishing. 

He has run this country into the ground. Two wars have ignited during his term, and the southern border is wide open thanks to his reckless policies. Americans fear to walk out their front door every day and then have to pay an arm and leg just to put food on the table. 

Americans are sick and tired of Biden destroying this country, longing for the days when the U.S. is no longer under his watch. 

On the contrary, when former President Trump was in office, the U.S. saw low gas prices and inflation, low crime, low illegal immigration, and lived happier lives. 

A recent ABC/ Ipsos poll found that Trump is overwhelmingly outperforming Biden on key issues Americans are most concerned with heading into the 2024 election. 

The poll asked likely voters who they trust more on issues such as the economy, immigration, and crime. 

Regarding the economy, Trump had a 12-point advantage, with 43 percent trusting the former president more than the 31 percent who said the same of Biden. 

Similarly, Trump held a significant advantage over Biden on immigration. 

The president continues to refuse to secure the border, allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens into the country. As a result, the polls reflect the idea that Americans remember when the southern border was closed under the Trump Administration. 

Trump holds an 18-point advantage over Biden regarding immigration, with a one-point advantage on gun violence. 

On the issue of crime in the U.S., 41 percent of Americans trust Trump, compared to 28 percent who trust Biden. 

When speaking about the two wars that Biden added fuel to, Trump held an eight-point advantage over Israel and Hamas and a three-point advantage over Ukraine and Russia.

On the contrary, Biden did better in terms of issues only liberals care about, such as climate change and abortion.