
Watch Democrat Gov Refer to Biden As the ‘Big Guy’

Democrat Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wisc.) raised eyebrows after he referred to President Joe Biden as the “Big Guy.”

Biden has infamously been referred to as the “Big Guy” during discussions tied to his son, Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. 

Despite the White House repeatedly denying allegations, several emails and recordings have pointed to Biden’s involvement in his son’s overseas business ventures. 

In September, Biden’s younger brother, Frank Biden, would reportedly interrupt business meetings to take calls from “the big guy” while his brother was serving as vice president. 

Matthew Brady, who worked at the Federal Signal Corp. And a president of safety and security between 2006 and 2017, also alleged that Frank Biden spoke with Biden, saying, “I’ve got to put you on hold; the big guy is calling me.”

Hunter Biden’s leading business partner, Devon Archer, confirmed that Biden was called the “Big Guy.” 

So, Evers, and probably the rest of the Democrat Party, know and believe Biden was involved in his son's business dealings that made the presidential family rich.