
After Trump's Landslide Wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, Has Anyone Checked on Liz Cheney?

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) decided to declare war on Trumpism. Whether she thought she could triumph or wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, she got severely beaten on her way out of public life. Her animosity towards Donald Trump showed that it’s not just liberals who succumb to derangement syndrome: Cheney’s anti-Trump antics and willingness to help Democrats cost her the chair of the House Republican Conference. Even out of office, she was a pain in the a** but vowed to do everything possible to stop Trump. Well, where is she? 

If she is trying to stop the former president, it’s too late. Trump rolled Nikki Haley in the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. He’s going to win Nevada and then run Haley over with a tank again in South Carolina, where it wouldn’t shock me if she loses by at least 25-30 points, maybe more. So, how can Liz stop Trump? It was always an insane thing to say as if the Cheney family has the pull they once wielded. 

I could see Liz trying to cobble something together, only to find that no one wanted anything to do with her. The Republican Party is coming together behind Trump, who will only clinch more endorsements from those who see that this race is over. Haley’s last chance to pull off an upset and possibly reset the primary, a lofty goal, died in the Granite State. 

Both women share something in common with how they conduct their elections: they rely on Democrats’ help. Cheney did so in the waning days of her primary, hoping Wyoming Democrats, all six of them, would change their affiliation to support her. Haley was banking on Democrats and non-Republican voters in New Hampshire, which formed most of her support, and she still couldn’t win. Conversely, only 25 percent of NH GOPers backed her, which is all you need to know. 

Haley is on track to go down the same road as Liz, ending up politically dead after making enemies on both sides of the river. No Republican worth his salt wants anything to do with Liz Cheney, and any Democrat will only talk to her if it means it could damage Trump, which, at present, isn’t in the cards. He’s going to win the GOP nomination. As for the legal drama, we all know about it—Republican voters know about it—and they’re still voting for him. 

Has anyone checked on Liz regarding Trump’s inevitable 2024 primary win? Who cares. She made her choice to become the Democratic Party’s useful idiot who is now politically homeless and irrelevant.