
Florida Introduces Several Anti-Woke LGBTQ Bills Aimed to Destroy the Grooming of Children

A newly proposed bill would make "lewd or lascivious grooming" of children a felony in the state of Florida. 

Florida's legislative session began this week, and Republicans are off to a good start with introducing legislation that targets the Left's radical LGBTQ indoctrination of children. 

A one-page bill, filed by Florida House Republicans Taylor Yarkosky and Douglas Bankson, would criminalize the act of "preparing or encouraging a child to engage in sexual activity through overtly sexually themed communication." Offenders would face up to 15 years in prison and $10,000 in fines. "Habitual offenders" of second-degree felonies will face up to 30 years in prison. 

The bill would also apply to instances where a child observes such crude material without permission from the minor's guardians.

In 2022, Yarkosky expressed his frustration with drag performances geared at grooming children, advocating for it to be a felony. 

"All Ages Welcome' should be a crime in Florida for these types of events, and 'Under-five y/o Free' should be a felony!" Yarkosky tweeted. "I've been saying this publicly while campaigning over the past year. There is NOTHING ok about ANY of this evil grooming and confusing of our young kids! #ChildAbuse." 

Another bill expected to be introduced will prohibit government employees from being required to use their colleagues' preferred pronouns. At the same time, another aims to protect children from "harmful material" online which would exploit the innocence of a minor. 

In addition, Florida Sen. Jason Brodeur (R-FL) proposed legislation that would declare published accusations of anti-LGBTQ bias to be "defamation per se." The bill would ban journalists from defending accusations by citing their subject's "constitutionally protected religious expression or beliefs" or scientific beliefs. Those successfully sued would be responsible for damages of at least $35,000.

Rep. Dean Black (R-FL) also introduced an anti-woke bill requiring Florida residents to sign an affidavit certifying that their driver's license and other state ID reflect the sex listed on their original birth certificate.