
Christie Makes Admission About His Support of Trump in New Ad

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is out with a new ad explaining his previous support for Donald Trump in 2016.

“Eight years ago when I decided to endorse Donald Trump for president, I did it because he was winning, and I did it because I thought I could make him a better candidate and a better president,” Christie said in the ad. “Well, I was wrong, I made a mistake.”

“And now, we’re confronted with the very same choice again,” Christie said, pointing to how Trump is dominating the GOP field in polling.  

Christie then brought up a common refrain among critics that candidates who are not polling very well should drop out, leaving the race to be a rematch between former President Trump and President Biden.  

Voters should reject this, Christie argued. 

“Neither choice is acceptable to me,” he said. “Joe Biden has had the wrong policies and Donald Trump will sell the soul of this country.”  

Christie, who concludes the minute-long ad by saying the most important trait for a presidential candidate to have is character, did not mention that he voted for Trump in 2020 and helped him with debate preparation. 

Christie, who is only at 3.3 percent nationally, according to RealClearPolitics’ average of polling, refuses to drop out of the race, and called anyone who suggests he do so “crazy.”

During an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Christie explained his logic in staying in the race despite his polling numbers. 

“The fact is that I’m running for president of the United States, and no one’s voted, yet. And I don’t have an obligation to do anything other than to answer questions, tell the truth, run a good campaign, and try to win. And so you know, where this has become Nikki Haley’s campaign when no one’s voted yet is kind of a mystery to me, Hugh.”