
Leftist Stephen Colbert Somehow Finds a Way to Explain How Colorado Ruling Is 'Pro-Democratic'

Late-night host Stephen Colbert magically turned the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove former President Trump from the state’s election ballot by calling the unprecedented move “pro-Democratic.” 

During his not-so-funny monologue, Colbert defended Colorado’s politically-motived move, claiming the case was a “gimme” since Trump so-called “violated” the 14th Amendment— despite various legal analysts predicting the U.S. Supreme Court will throw the case out. 

The 14th Amendment bans former officers of the United States who have engaged in “insurrection” from running for office. 

More from his Pro-Leftist, anti-Trump agenda segment: 

You can feel it in the air, folks. There are just five days until Christmas. But Santa came early last night when the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is disqualified from holding office. [The ruling] shows you can make good decisions when you’re high, [adding that the Democrat-appointed justices had] munchies for justice. Can you imagine how mad Donald Trump must have been when he heard the news? Oh, to be a ketchup stain on his wall. Notably, the people over at Fox News have their catheters in a twist over this. Anti-democratic. That’s like saying… That’s like saying it’s anti-hen to keep the fox out of the hen house. Let the chickens decide whether he finds them delicious. And let’s be clear here: the Colorado Supreme Court did not kick Trump off the ballot. The United States Constitution kicked Trump off the ballot.

While quoting the 14th Amendment, Colbert cited “conservative judge” and MSNBC contributor J. Michael Luddig, claiming that Trump should be disqualified from the 2024 election race for part in the so-called “insurrection” at Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021. 

Colbert argued that Trump has repeatedly tried to destroy democracy. 

At the same time, former assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Maryland, Ty Cobb, believes that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn Colorado’s decision to bar Trump from the general election in a 9-0 vote. 

Despite being a long-time critic of Trump, Cobb bashed the indictments targeted against Trump as nothing more than the Left’s attempt to interfere with the 2024 election.