
Here's What Argentina's Javier Milei Did in First Act as President

Argentinian firebrand Javier Milei was officially sworn in as president on Sunday, vowing in the words of former President Donald Trump, to “make Argentina great again."

Once among the wealthiest countries in the world, Argentina now faces one of its worst economic crises in decades.

"It's the end of the populist night and the rebirth of a prosperous and liberal Argentina," he told supporters, while warning that undertaking the transformation he envisions for Argentina will be painful at first.

“I need to say it to you again: there’s no money,” Milei said. “There’s no alternative to adjustments and to shock.”

He added: "The outgoing government has left us on track towards hyperinflation...We are going to do everything we can to avoid such a catastrophe." 

The crowd, which repeatedly yelled “Chainsaw!”, appeared ready for Milei to get to work slashing government expenses.

He did not waste any time, following through on his campaign promise to reduce the number of ministries from 18 to nine. A viral clip during his campaign showed him ripping the ministries he wanted to close off a white board while yelling "afuera."

Thus, it should be no surprise what he wrote in the inaugural book.