
Will Joe Biden Pardon His Corrupt Son In Light Of New Charges?

In lite of new criminal charges against Hunter Biden, speculation on whether his president daddy will bail him out of trouble swirls. 

This week, Hunter Biden was indicted in California on nine new criminal charges regarding his failure to pay taxes. 

When asked whether President Joe Biden would pardon his corrupt son, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre put the speculation to bed. 

"Nothing has changed. That is still the case," Jean-Pierre said, refusing to comment directly. 

"I mean, the president has said this before, and he will continue to say, which is that he loves his son and supports him as he continues to rebuild his life," Jean-Pierre said. "And I'm going to be really careful to not comment on this and refer to the Department of Justice or my colleagues at the White House counsel. But that's what I'm going to – I'm not going to go beyond telling you all what the president has said over and over again. He's proud of his son, and he is building his life back." 

Hunter Biden's new charges include three felonies and six misdemeanors, in addition to federal firearms charges in Delaware alleging he broke several laws against drug users having guns in 2018.

According to documents, the president's booze and sex-addicted son spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on "adult entertainment," a sex club membership, and strippers instead of paying his taxes. 

From 2016 to 2019, Hunter Biden spent $683,212 on "various women" while spending $188,960 on adult entertainment, including a sex club membership, exotic dancers, and trips to strip clubs— which he falsely claimed were business expenses.

He also spent an enormous amount of money on drugs, alcohol, escorts, fancy cars, and luxurious hotels. 

The indictment details how Hunter Biden instructed his personal assistant to place three women "with whom he had romantic or sexual relationships" and a fourth woman related to one of the three on his business payroll and give them healthcare benefits. 

The document also revealed that Biden's son knew the wages totaling $86,000 were "a false deduction." However, he failed to inform his accountants.

The charges come as Biden lays the groundwork for his 2024 re-election campaign, which is not doing well in the polls. 

According to a survey, Biden's approval rating sits at a mere 41 percent, with 51 percent disapproving of his job performance.