
John Kennedy Stumps Another Biden Judicial Nominee on Basic Legal Terms

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) once again turned law professor when he quizzed President Biden’s nominee for a district judgeship in Oklahoma about her knowledge of basic legal terms.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, the senator asked Sara E. Hill to explain the difference between a “stay” order and an “injunction.”

"A stay order would prohibit, um, sorry. An injunction would restrain the parties from taking action. A stay order … I'm not sure I can, actually can, can give you that," she answered. 

According to the Legal Information Institute, "An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action," while a stay "is an action taken by a court to stop a legal proceeding or the actions of a party."

Hill's response troubled Carrie Severino, president of Judicial Crisis Network. 

Other lawyers argued her inability to define the difference was "disqualifying."

This isn't the first time Kennedy has grilled nominees about their knowledge of the law.