
Cotton Demands DOJ Investigation Into the Hiring of Grenade Wielding Gaza 'Journalist'

Republican Senator Tom Cotton is calling on the Department of Justice to investigate how and why the New York Times, Associated Press and Reuters hired a freelance "journalist" who was in on the October 7 invasion of Israel and massacre of civilians by Hamas.

"I write regarding reports that so-called 'journalists' employed by the Associated Press, CNN, New York Times, and Reuters accompanied Hamas terrorists into Israel during the October 7 terror attack. These individuals almost certainly knew about the attack in advance, and even participated by accompanying Hamas terrorists during the attack and filming the heinous acts," Cotton wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland Friday. 

"In at least one case, one of the individuals affiliated with these media outlets even took a selfie while being kissed on the cheek by a Hamas leader who helped mastermind the attack. Providing material support or assistance, including funding, to a terrorist organization such as Hamas is a federal crime. The Department of Justice must immediately open a national security investigation into these four media outlets to determine whether they or their leadership committed federal crimes by supporting Hamas terrorists," Cotton continued. "Thank you for your attention to this vital matter of national security."

CNN cut ties with Hassan Eslaiah Thursday after reporting from HonestReporting revealed his association with Hamas and top terrorist leaders in the Gaza Strip. 

The New York Times denied knowing about the October 7 attack in advance and slammed Cotton for spreading "disinformation" about the situation.