
Lefty NBC: 'Not Even Joe Biden Likes Bidenomics'

"Bidenomics" was supposed to be President Joe Biden's answer to everything he has failed during his four years in office. 

It was a prime focus for the White House, forcing Biden to stay up past bedtime and skip a weekend at the beach to travel around the U.S. to push his so-called economic policy "success." 

However, neither the Left-wing outlets nor the president himself are happy with the direction the U.S. economy is heading toward. 

Even NBC News admitted that it is "baffled" by the "jumbled mess" Bidenomics has left on the country. 

No one seems to like "Bidenomics," the eponymous shorthand for Joe Biden's economic policies — not voters, not Democratic officials, not even, at times, the president himself. It's a term that mystifies Americans and confounds even its namesake. "I don't know what the hell that is," Biden said in a speech in Philadelphia earlier this year. The trouble is, people aren't buying it. Just as the phrase hasn't caught on despite a low jobless rate, the underlying policies Bidenomics purports to describe have left voters cold, polling shows. A Gallup survey in September showed that 48% of adults rated economic conditions as "poor," the highest share in a year. A University of Michigan monthly survey of attitudes toward the economy found that 20% of consumers expressed that their personal finances had deteriorated between Biden's inauguration and September of this year. More meaningful to Americans than the overall economic growth that Biden celebrates may be the stubborn reality that average food prices in U.S. cities have risen 20% since Biden took office. Or that the average price for a gallon of gas is $3.44 — less than it was a year ago but still about one-third higher than the pre-pandemic level.

The president has described Bidenomics as "the American Dream." However, Americans are financially worse off under Biden than they ever have been. 

Earlier this year, I reported how Biden's so-called economic plan will hurt hard-working Americans the most. 

Despite Biden taking credit for low unemployment and decreasing inflation, Forbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes called the president out on his absurd claims. 

"A year ago, Joe Biden called himself the deficit cutter, the deficit slasher. This year, two and a half times the deficit is what it was a year ago," Forbes told Fox News. "He says he's bringing down inflation, still twice what it was when he came into office, and those prices are not coming down, just the rate of increase is coming down. People's credit card debt, where is that? Record high. Business investment is not what it should be; headwinds overseas." 

Even the Washington Post pointed out how "highly misleading" Biden's claims are.