
And Here Are More Reasons for Why Israel's Invasion of Gaza Has Been Postponed

Israeli forces are ready to go. Around 360,000 reservists have been mobilized in the aftermath of the horrific October 7 terror attacks, where 1,000 Hamas terrorists conducted a campaign of murder, rape, and kidnapping. Over 1,200 Israelis were killed in the assault. This act of terrorism and the viciousness that was carried out shocked Israel and the world. Babies were beheaded and burned—a new level of barbarism on a mass scale. 

When Israel does invade, it will be for the long haul. They won’t leave until Hamas has been virtually wiped off the face of the Earth, which will be the world’s benefit. There are reportedly 40,000 Hamas terrorists waiting for the attack. Urban warfare is nasty, slow, and ferocious. This assault won’t be a cakewalk.

But inclement weather halted what many expected to be the start of the ground war over the weekend. Israel needs clear skies to ensure near-constant air cover for its forces because they will need it. The second impediment is Joe Biden’s quick trip to Israel ahead of the ground operation, where he’ll undoubtedly say something stupid. It shouldn’t be a long trip, but as Israel waits, the real concern is what will happen once the first ground troops enter Gaza. Iran and their little brother Hezbollah have been rattling the sabers, with Hezbollah striking targets in northern Israel. There are also reports of Israeli airstrikes occurring in Syria. We discussed the regional war implications, which is why Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted a state of war declared by the war council to maximize reservist mobilizations. This war is going to get ugly:

Israel has the right to defend itself. Period. That hasn’t changed, and neither should this operation. Israel must invade to eliminate Hamas as a political entity. Kill as many of these terrorists as possible, and they should remain until the job is done.