
George Santos Gets Into Heated Screaming Match With Anti- Israel Activists

Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) got into a heated argument with an activist over the Hamas attack on Israel before storming through the Longworth House Office Building halls. 

On Friday, Santos unleashed on an anti-Israel protestor while cursing and calling the activist “scum”— all while holding a random baby. 

As Republicans voted on their House Speaker nominee, activists bombarded several GOP members about Israel’s retaliatory attacks in Gaza. 

The encounter occurred after someone asked if the baby was his, to which Santos replied, “Not yet.”

As former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA.) walked by telling reporters that he supports the killing of Hamas, Santos said the Republican to “Look at this baby, Mr. Speaker,” which he said belonged to one of his staffers. 

The activist then turned to Santos and asked, “What are you doing to stop the ongoing genocide of Palestinians?” 

Going off on a tirade, Santos demanded the pro-Hamas activist to “Not record the baby. Do not record this baby.”

Suddenly, the confrontation turned ugly, causing Santos to call the activist a “terrorist sympathizer” and “human scum.” 

“Officer, officer, this is the gentleman that was accosting me when I had a two-month-old baby in my hands,” Santos said. “You came in my personal space.” 

Santos then went on into a rant, raising his voice while demanding police officers remove the activist from the Capitol Building. 

“What’s happening in Israel is abhorrent, that’s what it is, and the next time he tries to accost me with a child in my hands, I want him out of here,” Santos shouted. “He’s an animal, he is a f****** terrorist sympathizer. Nobody defending Hamas has any business in this building, whether you’re elected, whether you’re a civilian, it is a disgrace that we allow people to parade that kind of thought in here.”

The Hill confirmed that the protestor, identified as Shabd Singh, an American Jew, was detained by Capitol Police.