
So, That's How Hamas Terrorists Infiltrated This Kibbutz Before Murdering Over 100 Israelis

Spencer wrote about the horrific attack on a kibbutz, where 40 babies were found beheaded. As Israeli Major General Itai Veruv warned press members before entering Kfar Aza, what they’re about to see is “not a battlefield. It was a massacre.” Many of these communities had no time to repel or mobilize any resemblance of defense against the 1,000 armed terrorists who stormed into Southern Israel from Gaza.

Hamas went door-to-door, killing, raping, and kidnapping Israelis. In another kibbutz, Be'eri, over 100 bodies were found, roughly ten percent of the community. Hamas was trying to wipe out whole towns and kill as many Israelis as possible. And yes, babies and children were also among the dead—none were spared. So, how did Hamas enter the kibbutz? We have camera footage showing them attempting to hijack a car as it pulled up to the gate. As the gate began to open, they opened fire at its occupants and gained entry into the community. 

You already know how the rest of this story goes: