
Abbott Calls Special Session to Take Up School Choice, Border Security, and Vax Mandates

Governor Gregg Abbott (R-TX) announced on Thursday that he was calling a special session of the state legislature set to begin on Monday to continue pursuing conservative policies for the Lone Star State.

The special session beginning at 1:00 p.m. on October 9 will be the third called by Abbott this year and is set to tackle a series of policies with the aim of getting them passed before the next regular session begins in January 2024. 

The issues to be addressed include legislation to provide education savings accounts for all Texas students, a major priority for those working toward expanding school choice and giving parents more power to ensure their kids get the highest quality education in the best setting via the right curriculum for them. 

In addition, legislation dealing with border crisis-related issues will also be taken up, such as increasing penalties for criminal conduct involving human smuggling and operating stash houses along with legislation to build, operate, and maintain border barriers. 

State lawmakers will also consider legislation related to the Colony Ridge development — specifically concerning "public safety, security, environmental quality, and property ownership" — that has been exposed as little more than a haven for illegal immigrants.

Also included by Abbott in his list of priorities for the special session: a ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates issued by private employers. 

"Together, we will chart a brighter future for all Texas children by empowering parents to choose the best education option for their child," Governor Abbott said in a statement. "Texas will also pass laws to mirror the federal immigration laws President Joe Biden refuses to enforce that will reduce illegal immigration and enhance the safety of Texans," he continued. 

"For the first time ever, Texas will subject people to arrest for illegal entry into our state from a foreign nation," Abbott explained. "All licensed law enforcement officers in Texas will be authorized to arrest or remove any person who illegally enters the State, with penalties up to 20 years in prison for refusing to comply with removal."

"Additionally, we must protect the freedom of Texans from forced COVID-19 vaccinations," Abbott noted. "I look forward to working with my partners in the Legislature to address these critical issues."