
Mark Levin Unloads on Matt Gaetz Over McCarthy Ouster

Conservative radio host and constitutional scholar Mark Levin took to "X" Wednesday morning and unloaded on Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz after he led the charge to oust Congressman Kevin McCarthy from the House Speakership Tuesday night. 

"Let's cut to the chase. Gaetz is a POS demagogue who repeatedly lied during the House floor debate yesterday, and then, of course, simultaneously was fundraising and collecting email lists on behalf of the people. He insisted that the House failed to bring up 12 separate appropriations bills.  The fact is they could not get them out of committee because Democrats wanted to spend a great deal more, which would have blown up the budget further, and conservatives opposed the bills. It had nothing to do with a refusal by McCarthy to oppose regular order. McCarthy refused to go along with a CR that essentially adopted the Senate omnibus spending agreed to, yet again, by McConnell and Schumer," Levin wrote on X. 

"Yet, Gaetz kept insisting otherwise. Gaetz said he's sick and tired of deficit spending and pointed to the $33 trillion debt. I know of few conservatives who disagree. But what has he done about it? He didn't go to the House floor, certainly not on a regular and sustained basis, and hammer away on the outrageous, massive spending for COVID funds, which were used for every imaginable purpose other than COVID and drove the debt through the roof," he said. 

Levin continued by tying Gaetz to far left members of "The Squad." 

"The worst, to me, is Gaetz working with the Marxists in the Democrat Party, who are literally destroying our country politically, culturally, and every other way, then denying it, while accusing the former speaker of being the Democrats' speaker, trashing Jim Jordan and Jamie Comer's investigations, accusing Chip Roy of being a RINO, and not uttering one word against Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, or the rest of the reprobates," he continued. "At the same time, he was frantically fundraising off his anarchy, on behalf of the people and the republic, of course, positioning himself as the David taking on Goliath."

Gaetz is responding to critics and continuing to fundraise.