
Need More Proof the White House's 'Bidenomics' Push Is a Complete Failure? Well...

"Bidenomics," defined by our octogenarian president as "building the economy from the bottom up and the middle out," has been the major focus of the White House as Joe Biden looks toward the 2024 election. He and senior members of his administration have been traveling around the United States and holding frequent events in D.C. in a bid to hype up Biden's supposed economic policy successes. Turns out, the American people aren't buying what Biden's selling. 

The messaging and events around Bidenomics have been an apparent response to President Biden's chronically underwater approval numbers and especially poor marks for his handling of the economy since taking office in January 2021. 

Now, however — even with Bidenomics being a primary focus for the White House — Republicans have achieved a high-water mark not seen since 1991 against Democrats when it comes to economic issues. 

According to a new survey from Gallup, Americans favor Republicans over Democrats to "keep the country prosperous" by a 14-point margin of 53 percent to 39 percent. The latest data gathered in September shows that the margin between Biden's party and the GOP has only widened since last year when there was a ten point spread.

That is, President Biden's 2020 campaign promise to "Build Back Better" which was refreshed as "Bidenomics" has failed and backfired. The American people know that the White House's briefing room charts and Biden's whisper-then-shout speeches supposedly aimed at convincing Americans that Biden's policies are the correct ones don't match the burdens they're bearing. 

As Gallup explains in the report on its latest survey, it's not just the economy where Biden is failing to bring Americans into his party:

...the public chooses the Republican Party over the Democratic Party by healthy margins when asked which will better safeguard the nation’s prosperity and security.

  • Fifty-three percent of Americans believe the Republican Party will do a better job of keeping the country prosperous over the next few years, whereas 39% choose the Democratic Party.
  • A slightly larger majority, 57%, have greater faith in the Republican Party to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, while 35% favor the Democrats.