
NYC Mayor Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the City's Illegal Alien Crisis

New York City Mayor Eric Adams finally said the quiet part out loud about the deluge of illegal aliens pouring into the Big Apple, though the evidence has been present for months. It’s not precisely a Democrat trying to keep a specific narrative a secret since they’ve codified portions of this agenda into law with their sanctuary city business. But Mayor Adams was clear that the city can no longer accept 10,000 illegals a month, warning residents that the New York City they knew was about to be lost. Essentially, Adams admitted that the illegal alien invasion would destroy the city:


While it’s nice to see the mayor admit that this has gone off the rails, it’s also what Democrats want, or at least what some did until these migrants showed up at their doorsteps, occupying schools, parks, and other city service locations because there’s no place to house them. Big Apple residents have had it. 

They’re facing the same situation in Chicago, as the city council voted to allocate some $50 million to help house their share of illegals coming into the Windy City. It set off a rage among local Chicagoans. The tide might be turning, thanks to Govs. Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, who have been busing these folks to Democrat-run localities. New York City is a sanctuary city. They should welcome these folks with open arms, and they even had a ‘We Love Immigrant NYC’ campaign in April. But with a price tag of $12 billion, that support has died, with the mayor’s impassioned statements about this ongoing crisis. 

Gov. Kathy Hochul is now pleading with the Biden administration to help her remove the illegal aliens in her state. Adams is calling for more assistance, too, though it’s fallen on deaf ears; no one has the resources. Do these Democrat officials think border towns have had them for 20-plus years? Welcome to the party, guys. 

The point is that for all the haranguing Adams did about the illegal immigration invasion, which is accurate, Democrats voted for this—they must live with it.