
It's Begun: Some Schools Are Reinstating Mask Mandates for Children

COVID is endemic. People are still going to get it, regardless of vaccination status. And many more will contract the virus multiple times. It will be like flu season, folks, which also has a vaccine that can prevent severe illness or death but is not a silver bullet against infection. It’s not being reported anymore, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the COVID and influenza vaccine efficacy is similar, around 40-50 percent. Take the shot, don’t take the shot, but the experts self-immolated when they said if you take the vaccine, you’d be shielded forever.  

And we’re back to the window dressing that is mask-wearing. It’s been documented for months now that store-bought masks don’t work. KN95 masks are useless for kids because they don’t fit properly; their faces are too small. But it gets better: even for adults, this mask, marketed as the Rolls-Royce of face coverings, did nothing to stop the spread. Still, a Silver Spring, Maryland, school decided to wrap these kids’ faces up because some students tested positive. 

COVID is over. The Left may not want to admit it because it helped them win the 2020 election, and the panic peddlers yearn for the days of mass infection to further test the limits of government power. Not anymore. The pandemic is done. Every aspect of social life is back, and lockdowns aren’t coming back.  

Science fiction has become official policy on COVID, which, if you think about it, isn’t all that shocking since progressives think that biological males can become women, have babies, and menstruate. If you can stomach that delusional hayride, believing that masks will curb the spread of the coronavirus isn’t too far off the reservation.