
Left-Wing Progressive Makes Stunning Admission About Democratic Party: 'Beyond Redemption'

Far-left third-party presidential candidate Cornel West threw the Democratic Party under the bus, claiming it doesn't put Americans' needs first. 

During an interview with the Hill, West said the Democratic Party is "beyond redemption" regarding "seriously speaking to the needs of poor and working people."

While speaking about his time on the campaign trail, West said he saw officials who "are dealing with issues that the Democratic Party won't touch," such as poverty and "police brutality." 

He also criticized equally far-Left Bernie Sanders's endorsement of President Joe Biden. 

"I think that the argument he's making means that there's never any possibility for breaking the corporate duopoly, that there's never any possibility of trying to speak to the needs of the poor working people," West said. "So I think in many ways, Brother Bernie is making a plausible argument, but I think deep down in his heart, he knows that the Democratic Party has no fundamental intention of speaking to the needs of poor people and working people."

He called Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) "window dressing at its worst" for Democrats. 

However, despite West's criticism of the Democratic Party, he is still part of the Left's extremist agenda. 

In a separate interview, just days after Sanders endorsed Biden, the progressive Democrat argued Biden is the only hope to beat "right-wing extremism."

"It is no secret that I want Joe Biden to be re-elected president," the Vermont Senator said. "He and I share the goal of beating back right-wing extremism." 

He also claimed that Trump is not somebody who believes in democracy. 

"Whether women are going to be able to control their own bodies or whether we have social justice in America, we end bigotry. Around that, I think we have got to bring the entire progressive community out to deter Trump or whoever the Republican nominee will be," Sanders added.