
Here's How Residents in Maui Greeted President Biden

Two vacations and one "no comment" later, President Joe Biden finally made his way over to the grief-stricken island of Maui to tour the devastated town of Lahaina in the wake of the horrific wildfire earlier this month.

Local reporters said they saw signs that read "You're late" and "No comment" being held by protesters outside the airport Biden and First Lady Jill Biden landed at when they arrived on the island. Since it was a small airport, there was only one entrance and exit, so people knew exactly where to be when the presidential convoy left to go to Lahaina.

When the convoy passed by, the anger erupted as people yelled swear words and gave Biden the middle finger.

The mood did not get any better when Biden compared what the people of Maui have gone through to the time he had a small house fire back in the day, which he said almost cost him his cat and Corvette. This just further highlighted that Biden does not know how to relate to people in their time of grief without making it about himself.

Hundreds of people, many of them children, are still missing, despite the fire starting more than two weeks ago. Locals are angered at the lack of preparedness and the response from the county level all the way up to the federal level.