
AG Barr Is Right About One Thing Relating to Trump, but Dead Wrong on This Point

Attorney General William Barr has let loose regarding his former boss, Donald Trump. Yet, on the latest indictment filed against the former president by Special Counsel Jack Smith, the former Trump official noted the double standard. It’s fairly easy to point out: the Biden Justice Department is like hell on wheels reading Trump but treats Hunter Biden with kid gloves (via Fox News): 

Former Attorney General Bill Barr called out the "two standards" from the Biden Justice Department, between its "aggressive" approach with the latest Trump indictment and its "lenient" handing of the Hunter Biden probe on "The Story" 

Barr, who had been critical of his former boss since leaving office in the final weeks of the Trump administration, was vocal in defending the Jan. 6-adjacent charges from the "onslaught of attacks" by critics who allege it's an abuse of power or weaponization by the DOJ, calling these complaints "overkill." 

"I think there's a legitimate case from a legal standpoint responding to a very grave misconduct," Barr told Fox News' Martha MacCallum before calling into question the wisdom of the decision. "However, all cases are under the discretion of the attorney general as to whether to bring them, not in question of unfairness to Trump, but in the interest of the public interest and public considerations, and I think that there are some considerations here that I would have seriously considered not bringing the case." 

"One of them is the divisiveness of the case compared to what will be achieved from it, especially in light of the handling of the Hunter Biden case, which crystallizes this very deep-seated feeling that there's two standards," he continued. "And here you are being aggressive against the President Trump. I'm not saying that it's improper to bring the case, but I'm saying it's an aggressive move versus, I think, very lenient treatment of Hunter Biden. And I think that that is very divisive in the country, and I would have taken that into account." 

It goes beyond that, Mr. Barr. The Justice Department actively intervened and hamstrung any criminal probe into Hunter Biden, as evidenced by the two credible IRS whistleblowers who testified to that effect. If Hunter goes down, so does Joe Biden. The pair peddled a sleazy government access venture, in which they accrued millions, some in the form of bribes and then laundered through shell companies. 

Yet, where Barr is dead wrong rests with his assessment of Trump winning the 2024 election, a point he made in May (via The Hill):

Former Attorney General Bill Barr said … that former President Trump will deliver “chaos” and a “horror show” if he returned to the White House in 2024. 

“If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising as his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them,” Barr said of Trump at an event in Cleveland. “He does not have the discipline.”

When pressed further, Barr claimed his former boss doesn’t have “the ability for strategic thinking” or “setting priorities.” 

“It is a horror show when he’s left to his own devices,” Barr said. “And so, you may want his policies, but Trump will not deliver Trump policies.” 

Look, I’m waiting to see who wins the primary. I could easily vote for Trump again, but you could argue that we’re living in the scenario Barr outlined with Joe Biden. He’s not a strategic thinker, and he can't set priorities. That trait is also applicable to any Biden official or cabinet secretary. When left alone, Biden is a trainwreck. 

And with the Biden bribery scandal a news item that the establishment media can’t ignore due to mounting evidence of wrongdoing, the general election issues surrounding Trump have lessened considerably.